Claims Adjudication

Claims Adjudication

Claims adjudication is an unavoidable component of mass torts administration. Although it is a necessary step in the progression of a case, it can also be a tedious and time-consuming part of the process. Claims adjudication is typically fraught with detailed protocols and can involve lengthy periods of waiting to hear back from insurance providers.

Utilizing a skilled team and a tech-forward approach, Universal Mass Torts works to ensure that the claims adjudication process moves forward free from the delays that can result from big mistakes or minor clerical errors. Even a misspelled name can create significant delays that are entirely unnecessary. Universal Mass Torts employs sophisticated tools that minimize human error and create an efficient process. You and your clients shouldn’t have to wait any longer than necessary to adjudicate claims, and our team is here to make sure that you don’t.

Often, insurance companies are reluctant to approve a claim the first time it is submitted. When this happens, the Universal Mass Torts team understands that continued communication between all parties must be timely and accurate. Messages and deadlines absolutely cannot slip between the cracks. We have implemented fail-safe procedures to prevent critical oversights.

When law firms outsource the administration of claims adjudication, it is important they know they can trust a third party like Universal Mass Torts. Working effectively with the insurance industry means understanding the timelines and the terminology specific to claims adjudication. The red tape of claims adjudication is the last thing you want to deal with while trying to help your clients fight for what’s owed to them. Delegating claims adjudication to the Universal Mass Torts team ensures your clients will have a group of experts communicating with the insurance providers at all times.

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